Thursday, August 1, 2013

Baguio Public Market is Clean

I went to the public market this afternoon to buy some vegetables for supper and got amazed how the streets were cleaned of the stalls that were lined up at the sides and even overtaking some spaces of the sidewalks making it hard to walk faster because of the overcrowding.

The feeling was like the cleaned spaces give you a fresh air to breath. I went around and saw that all of the streets were free of sidewalk and ambulant vendors.

It was only yesterday when I walked by the area and every one of the vendors with stalls and ambulant vendors were very calm and relax doing their business; today is an opposite story, it is like a calamity just struck them and took away their source of income – I just hope they were warned first, or had heard of the plan a few days ago by the Mayor of seriously cleaning the area because of many infractions of agreement by the vendors.

It’s sad to think about that many people today just lost their little source of income, but on the other hand, it is good because the place is now really clean and the businesses behind them are now more accessible for buyers and they no longer have competitions.

This is a comparison of the place last week and today

Now that the city hall successfully cleaned the area, they should then stay firm and no longer allowed anyone to start selling on those places.

What happened was one or two vendors tried to sell in one corner, and when no one is telling the vendors to get away from the place, the vendors now starts to put up some umbrella. And since no one was complaining, the umbrella becomes now a more permanent roof. Other vendors see what’s happening and since the vendors are established without hassles the others then put up their own stall next to it until their number multiplied. Now, since their number was large, the city hall cannot easily remove them. And since the city also wanted to show it has some heart with the vendors it into an agreement with the vendors that they pay tax and has to make their place clean. But customers know what the real picture was, the streets were fall of garbage, and sidewalks were not passable.

Those beach umbrellas are all gone now, giving a real view of the places occupied by the vendors days ago.

The places where it used to be crowded with ambulant vendors and stalls.


  1. Wow thats good news..still hoping na hindi "ningas kugon" lng ito. It has been in the past but it only last for a week or even months sad to say.It surely does takes cooperation on both sides.

  2. We are hoping it's not a joke. There are improvements done to where the Hyatt hotel used to stand and nearby, so, there's a chance this one will be kept.

    Because if it's not, Baguio market itself will be an eyesore to the tourists coming to visit.
